Am I eligible to register a .PRO domain under the new registration rules?

To register a .PRO domain name, you must be:

  • A person or entity who provides professional services.
  • Admitted to or licensed by a government certification body or jurisdictional licensing entity recognized by a governmental body that regularly verifies the accuracy of its data.
  • In good standing with the licensing authority.

Verification: What is the process for Authentication and Verification of Registrant Information?

2nd level .PRO domains (ex: johnsmith.pro) are active immediately on registration.

For 3rd level .PRO domains (ex: johnsmith.eng.pro) the registry will send the Registrant Contact an email address describing the instructions on where to submit Authentication and Verification information. You must complete this step within 44 days; otherwise you risk losing your domain.

What information will RegistryPro require from me to activate my domain?

You will need to provide:

  • Name
  • Profession
  • Jurisdictional country
  • Licensing authority
  • License number
  • A link to your licensing authority's Web site

Will my professional credentials be subject to review?

Yes, RegistryPro will monitor new and renewed .PRO domains to ensure compliance with all terms and conditions of our agreements. You may be required to provide additional information to the registry in order to activate or retain your domain.

Will I be able to register my second-level resolving domain right away?

Yes, RegistryPro offers second-level registrations to qualified registrants who meet the professional eligibility requirements.

Do I need to have a third-level domain (eg., mycompany.law.pro) to register a second-level domain (eg., mycompany.pro)?

No, RegistryPro will continue to offer third-level profession specific second level domains (PSSLDs), such as yourcompany.med.pro, but the requirement of using a third-level domain name to get a second-level domain has been eliminated.

Will I be eligible to register second-level .Pro domains, e.g. domainname.Pro, if it’s not in accountancy, law, medical or engineering?

All professionals and professional entities who self-certify that they meet the eligibility requirements are able to register .PRO domains. If you own a business license, you may qualify if:

  • You are a person or entity who provides professional services.
  • You have been admitted to or licensed by a government certification body, or jurisdictional licensing entity recognized by a governmental body.
  • That body or licensing entity requires that its members be licensed or admitted to provide services.
  • You are in good standing.

Are there any residency restrictions?

No, residents of any country can register a .PRO domain name.

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